S1 Ep 6. Healing The Healer: Part II

Nite Nite Nurse Podcast Show Notes
Season 1 Episode 6

Welcome to ‘Healing the healer, part 2’. In this session, we will continue our journey of self-care and self-healing. We will focus on releasing stress and tension from your body, cultivating inner peace and self-love, and finding a sense of gratitude for the work you do. Remember, it is very important to dedicate this time to yourself. You pour your heart and soul into your work, and the physical, emotional, and mental demands of your job can take a toll on you. It’s easy to forget that you need to take care of yourself, but it is essential to your well-being and the care you provide to others.

Now please take a moment and make yourself comfortable on you seat. Gently close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose. Feel the air filling your lungs and expanding your belly. Hold for a moment, then slowly release the breath through your mouth. Repeat this process a few times, feeling how the tension in your body starts to dissipate with each inhalation and exhalation. Allow yourself to let go of any thoughts, distractions, or worries. Focus on the present moment and the sensation of breathing as you let yourself sink into a state of relaxation and peace.

Allow your mind and body to sink deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation. And now picture yourself in a beautiful, tranquil place in nature. Maybe you have a special spot that means something to you, if that is the case, bring it to mind as vivid as you can. You can also picture a place that exist only in your imagination. Perhaps you are sitting by a peaceful lake or walking through a lush forest. Take in the sights, sounds, and sensations of this place, allowing yourself to fully immerse in its peaceful energy as you feel yourself getting more and more relaxed.

As you take in the beauty around you, let your attention turn inward. Take a moment to connect with your feelings, without judgment or resistance. Take a few deep breaths and ask yourself: “What am I feeling right now?” Whatever feelings arise, allow yourself to acknowledge them, without trying to push them away or change them. Simply observe and accept them as they are. Visualize each feeling as a color or a shape. Notice how each feeling is unique and distinct, with its own texture, weight, and energy. As you observe these feelings, imagine them flowing through your body like a river, without getting stuck or trapped in any one place. Imagine them passing through you, and flowing out of your body, releasing any tension or blockages as they go.

Good… Imagine each of your breaths bringing in fresh, healing energy, and exhaling any stress or negativity. Imagine this energy filling you up, from the tips of your toes to the crown of your head and expanding out beyond your physical body. Feel the warmth and peace of this energy and allow it to envelop you in its healing embrace.

Remember that it is important to take care of yourself, to nurture your own inner light, so that you can continue to shine brightly and bring healing to those around you. Allow yourself to fully relax into this moment, and trust that you are exactly where you need to be, doing exactly what you are meant to do. Allow yourself to fully surrender into this moment. You are doing an incredible job as a healer, and it’s important to take the time to care for yourself. In this moment, let yourself be reminded of your inner strength, resilience, and the importance of the work that you do.

Visualize yourself standing tall and strong, with a bright light radiating from your heart. You are filled with a sense of purpose, and a deep knowing that you are exactly where you need to be, doing exactly what you are meant to do. You are a force for good in the world, and your presence brings healing and comfort to those around you. As you continue to breathe, allow yourself to focus on the positive affirmations that support and nourish you. Repeat these affirmations to yourself silently or out loud, allowing the words to fill you with strength, love, and a sense of inner peace.

“I am capable of handling any challenge that comes my way. My strength and resilience are limitless.”

“I am deserving of love, care, and compassion. I offer myself the same kindness that I give to others.”

“I trust in the wisdom of my body, mind, and spirit. I know what is best for me and honor my inner guidance.”

“I am grateful for the opportunity to serve as a healer, and I approach my work with joy, compassion, and grace.”

“I am surrounded by love and support, and I trust that the universe is conspiring in my favor.”

As you repeat these affirmations, feel them sinking deep into your subconscious mind, anchoring you in a positive, abundant, and supportive mindset. Let go of any doubts or fears, and trust in your own inner light.

Now, imagine yourself walking through a peaceful garden, surrounded by flowers of all colors and sizes. You feel the soft grass under your feet and the gentle breeze on your skin. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty around you and let the peaceful atmosphere of this garden fill your senses. As you walk further into the garden, you come across a large, serene pond. You walk towards the edge of the pond and sit down, allowing yourself to relax and take in the peaceful surroundings. Take a deep breath and feel yourself sinking deeper into a state of relaxation and calm.

As you gaze at the water, imagine that it represents your emotions. The water may be calm or it may be choppy, but either way, it is a reflection of your inner state. Take a moment to observe the water and notice any ripples or waves. Allow yourself to be present with your emotions and feelings, without judgment or criticism. Simply observe them and honor them for what they are. As you continue to watch the water, you notice that it starts to become calmer and stiller. The ripples start to fade away, and the surface becomes smooth and clear. As the water becomes calm, imagine that your emotions are also becoming calm and still. You feel a sense of inner peace and tranquility as your emotions settle and find their natural rhythm.

As you bask in this sense of calm, take a moment to appreciate the power of your emotions. They are an integral part of who you are, and they are a gift that allows you to connect with others and the world around you. Allow yourself to feel gratitude for your emotions and the richness they bring to your life.

Now, let’s take some time to focus on your strengths and positive qualities as a healthcare worker. Think about the unique skills and qualities that you bring to your work, and the ways in which you make a positive impact on the lives of others. Perhaps you have a gift for listening deeply and providing compassionate care. Or maybe you are particularly skilled at problem-solving and finding creative solutions to complex medical issues. Maybe you have a calming presence that helps patients feel more at ease, or you have a wealth of knowledge and experience in your field.

Whatever your strengths and positive qualities may be, allow yourself to fully embrace and celebrate them. Take a moment to visualize yourself in action, using these strengths and qualities to care for your patients and improve their lives. Allow yourself to feel a sense of pride and satisfaction in the work that you do. You are making a difference in the world, and your efforts are valued and appreciated.

If you find it difficult to identify your strengths and positive qualities, don’t worry – this is common among healthcare workers who may be accustomed to focusing on the needs of others rather than their own abilities. You may find it helpful to ask colleagues or loved ones for feedback on your strengths, or to reflect on moments when you felt particularly effective or fulfilled in your work. Acknowledging and celebrating your strengths and positive qualities is not a form of arrogance or self-importance – it is a crucial component of maintaining your own well-being as a healthcare worker. When you recognize and embrace your strengths, you are better equipped to navigate the challenges and stresses of your work with confidence and resilience.

Take a deep breath and allow yourself to fully embody the qualities that make you an exceptional healthcare worker. Know that your work is valuable and necessary, and that you are making a difference in the world with every patient you care for. As you focus on your strengths and qualities, you may also become aware of any challenges or difficulties you have faced as a healthcare worker. These challenges may have been emotionally or physically taxing, and it is important to acknowledge the strength and resilience it took to overcome them.

Take a moment to express gratitude for the challenges you have faced, as they have helped you grow and become a stronger, more compassionate healthcare worker. You may even want to express gratitude for the people or circumstances that have helped you through these challenges.

Now, let’s shift our focus to gratitude for the present moment. Take a moment to feel gratitude for your body and its ability to heal and care for others. Feel gratitude for the breath in your lungs, the beat of your heart, and the functioning of your organs. Extend this feeling of gratitude as much as you can. Gratitude for the space you are in, for the safety and security it provides. Gratitude for the people in your life who support and love you, and for the patients and clients who trust you with their care.

As you focus on gratitude, you may begin to feel a sense of joy and lightness in your heart. Allow this feeling to fill your entire being, and know that you are deserving of all the love and appreciation that you give to others.

Now, let’s take a moment to affirm some positive beliefs about yourself as a healthcare worker. Repeat these affirmations silently or out loud, and allow yourself to embody them fully:

I am a skilled and compassionate healthcare worker.

I trust my intuition and am guided by my inner wisdom.

I am strong and resilient, and able to overcome any challenges I face.

I am deserving of love, appreciation, and self-care.

I am making a positive impact on the lives of others, and am fulfilling my purpose as a healthcare worker.

Allow these affirmations to sink deeply into your subconscious mind. Know that you are a skilled and capable healthcare worker, and that you have the ability to transform lives through your work. Bring to mind a recent experience in which you felt particularly effective or successful in your work and visualize this experience in detail. Allow yourself to feel the sense of accomplishment and pride that comes with it. As you visualize this experience, notice any physical sensations in your body, such as warmth or tingling. Allow yourself to fully immerse in the positive emotions associated with this experience, and know that you are capable of achieving this level of success and satisfaction in your work.

Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, release any stress or tension that may be lingering in your body or mind. Allow yourself to feel a sense of peace and relaxation, knowing that you are a valuable and important member of the healthcare community.

Good… Now bring your attention to your physical body. Start at the top of your head and slowly scan down your body, noticing any areas of tension or discomfort. And as you focus on each part of your body, visualize a warm and healing light surrounding it. Imagine this light penetrating deep into the muscles and tissues, releasing any tension and promoting relaxation and healing.

Starting with your scalp, feel the warmth and relaxation spreading down to your forehead, temples, and the muscles around your eyes. Allow the muscles in your face to relax, letting go of any tension in your jaw, cheeks, and neck. Now move your attention down to your shoulders, feeling any tension melt away as the warm healing light envelops this area. Allow your arms to feel heavy and relaxed, releasing any tension from your hands and fingers. Bring your attention to your chest and stomach, feeling the rise and fall of your breath. Imagine the healing light flowing through your lungs and heart, promoting deep relaxation and healing in this area.

As you scan down to your hips, pelvis, and thighs, visualize the warm healing light penetrating deep into the muscles and tissues, releasing any tension and promoting healing. Allow your legs to feel heavy and relaxed, releasing any tension from your feet and toes.

Now, bring your attention to any areas of your body that require extra healing or attention. If you have experienced physical pain or discomfort, direct the warm healing light towards this area, allowing it to penetrate deep into the muscles and tissues, promoting healing and relaxation. As you continue to breathe deeply and visualize the warm healing light surrounding your body, allow yourself to feel a sense of peace and calm. Know that you have the power to promote healing in your body and that you are worthy of the care and attention that you give to others.

Take a moment to acknowledge the strength and resilience it takes to care for others as a healthcare worker. Know that you are making a positive impact on the lives of others and that your work is essential to the well-being of those around you. Take a moment to reflect on the insights and feelings that have arisen during this meditation. Perhaps you have gained a deeper appreciation for your strengths as a healthcare worker, or became more in touch with your emotional world. Maybe you have become aware of areas where you need to practice more self-care and healing. Whatever you have experienced, know that it is a valuable part of your journey. Every challenge and every triumph has brought you to this moment, and you are exactly where you need to be.

As we come to the end of this meditation, take a moment to thank yourself for taking this time to care for your own well-being. Allow yourself to feel a sense of gratitude for your body, your mind, and your spirit, and for the important work that you do as a healthcare worker.

Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow yourself to gently return to the present moment. Wiggle your fingers and toes, stretch your body, and take a few moments to transition back into your day.

Remember that the healing process is ongoing, and that you can return to this meditation as often as you need to. May you continue to care for yourself with love and compassion, and may your work as a healthcare worker be filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment

Narrator: Dr. Scharmaine Lawson

Writer: Jorge Sepulveda

Cover Artist: Eka Mahardika