2013 The Year of Educating and Inspiring our Youth About Who Nurse Practitioners Are



Today, I called a local High School to inquire about speaking to their HS Juniors and Seniors about The Role of the Nurse Practitioner.  This was a random call that I felt inspired to do because sometimes you just have to “give back” especially when you have been given so much.  Anyway, the school principal came to the phone and excitedly said, ” Where have you been? We have representatives from the field of law, medicine, and a few accountants, but we have no nursing representation.  We have been having a lot of students to ask about the NP and what they do, but we did not know where to begin to look.  I’m so glad you called.  When can you come and talk to them? Lunch is on us!” WOW! We set a date and I was so encouraged that after this conversation, I contacted a couple more schools and got an eerily similar response.  I subsequently set up dates with them too.  We need to encourage the next generation to join our profession and show them what we do.  Let’s just start with one High School at a time.  I’m excited and encouraged about what the future holds.