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  1. ronald dingwell
    May 2, 2010 @ 8:34 pm

    I am interested in starting a housecall business and will like to know when is your next available residency date.
    Ron FNP


  2. Rockon
    March 23, 2010 @ 5:17 am

    This great and a wonderful idea


  3. Julie Akins
    January 22, 2010 @ 2:37 pm

    Housecall Residency dates. I am very interested in the program. Is there still availability specifically the 26 and 27 of March? Can you tell me the cost? I love New Orleans so this would be perfect. I am a little financially strapped now so if there isn’t anything now I would love to plan for in the Fall or next Spring.
    I have been a FNP for 2 years-graduated in December 2007. I have been working for a GI group in Twin Falls since January 2008. I graduated from an RN program in 1991 and most of my working experience was in adult ICU and HH. My favorite job ever was HH and I would love to make that into a business. I would love to learn from you. Thanks so much-Julie


  4. Deborah
    January 3, 2010 @ 4:07 pm

    Hi, I am looking forward to March. Will you email the details and cost of the program. I am very excited about getting started. This great and a wonderful idea. Deborah APRN, MSN, FNP


  5. Deborah Zayas APRN, MSN, FNP
    December 21, 2009 @ 9:24 pm

    I am enjoying reading your blogs. They are entertaining and uplifting. It’s as if I am reading a story and I feel like I am really there with you and the people who you are talking about. Do not stop writing. Hopefully someday you will be able to compile all this together and put it in a best seller book. I am very proud of your accomplishments. I am a Major in the Army. I am also interested in started a Medical House Call Practice in my area. There is not one here and we need one. I just can’t seem to get started. I just finished a deployment and it seemed to have drained all my energy and plus I am a Army widow. I need to stop saying that and using that as an excuse, it has been six years. Anyway, I plan to take your Residency Program in March 2010. I am looking forward to that. Take care and Please keep writing and keep working. You have such wonderful ideas. You are brillant.


    • accnola
      January 3, 2010 @ 1:01 pm

      Thanks for your support. I look forward to meeting you in March.


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